Engage, Retain, Acquire more customers, faster

with an enterprise-grade, Conversational AI platform powered by Elitbuzz. Drive superior customer experiences with Gen-AI powered Chatbot, Live chat, Campaigns & more

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How can Elitbuzz help you?

A better, faster, stronger way to connect with customers

Experience streamlined communication with our free AI chatbot, providing 24/7 lead generation, support optimization, and personalized conversations

Everything you need, under one fully integrated platform

Balance automation with the human touch. Set up quick replies, close sales, and collaborate with customers in real-time with Live Chat

A solution that saves time

That’s what your customers want. Keep conversations flowing as your AI chatbot platform answers complex queries within seconds with DocuSense

Get more value from your favorite tools

Seamlessly integrate Engati with third-party applications and CRMs you already use for marketing, ticketing, analytics, and growth

Ready-to-use solutions for every business need

Our team of experts make it possible for you to get started faster with ready-to-use AI chatbots & customised solutions that push your business forward

Verify Your Business, Gain Trust, Boost Sales

Deliver an end-to-end shopping experience allowing the customers to check your products and add them to cart directly on WhatsApp, without taking them to any other link

Effortlessly reach and convert more customers

Use the WhatsApp business API to share updates and notifications with ready-made WhatsApp message templates that can be created in minutes

Simplify shopping with efficient product discovery on WhatsApp

Announce your sales and discount campaigns to your customers over WhatsApp, allowing you to drive more conversions, earn more revenue, and gain more value from your AI chatbot

Streamline customer service with WhatsApp automation

You can send WhatsApp broadcasts to acquire more customers at a lower price than most other channels because of the higher engagement & conversion rates

Catch our WhatsApp chatbot live in action!

Scan the QR Code to experience our WhatsApp chatbot.

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